Decree No. 2020-977 appointing the members of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of FORCE COVID 19 operations

Decree No. 2020-977 appointing the members of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of FORCE COVID 19 operations

One People – One Goal – One Faith
Decree No. 2020-977 appointing the members of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of FORCE COVID 19 operations
HAVING REGARD to the Constitution;
HAVING REGARD to Decree No. 2007-909 of 31 July 2007 on the organization and functioning of the Presidency of the Republic, as amended;
HAVING REGARD to Decree No. 2020-884 of 1 April 2020 establishing and laying down the rules for the organization and operation of the Response and Solidarity Fund against the Effects of COVID-19 called FORCE COVID 19;
HAVING REGARD to Decree No. 2020-965 of 17 April 2020 establishing and laying down the rules of organization and operation of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of FORCE COVID 19 operations;
HAVING REGARD to Decree No. 2020-966 of 19 April 2020 appointing the Chairman of the Monitoring Committee for the Implementation of FORCE COVID 19 Operations;
On the report of the Minister of State, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic;
Article one. – The following are appointed members of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of FORCE COVID 19 operations:
– Under ministries (6):
1. Maître El Ousseyni KANE, Director General of the Operational Monitoring Office (BOS), representing the Ministry in charge of monitoring the Emerging Senegal Plan;
2. Mr. Abdoulaye SAMB, Secretary General, representing the Ministry of Finance and Budget;
3. Ambassador Mame Baba CISSE, Secretary General, representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Senegalese Abroad;
4. Mr. Ndiogou DIOUF, Permanent Secretary of the Single Steering Committee of the MDCEST programs, representing the Ministry of Community Development and Social and Territorial Equity;
5. Mr Pierre NDIAYE, Secretary General, representing the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation;
6. Mr Assane MBENGUE, Secretary General, representing the Ministry of Health and Social Action;
– Under the National Assembly (3):
1. Mr Seydou DIOUF, representative of the parliamentary majority;
2. Mr Toussaint MANGA, representative of the parliamentary opposition;
3. Mr Issa SALL, representative of the Non-attached Members;
– Under the High Council of Territorial Collectivities (2):
1. Mrs Lala Aicha FALL, High Counsellor;
2. Mr Alioune Badara FAYE, High Counsellor;
– Under the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (2):
1. Mr. El Hadji Ibrahima MBOW, Member of the Bureau, Secretary-elect;
2. Mrs Maïmouna Isabelle DIENG, President of the Commission;
– Under the Associations of territorial elected representatives (2):
1. Mr Aliou SALL, President of the AMS;
2. Mr Adama DIOUF, President of ADS;
– Under political parties (6):
1. Mr Nicholas NDIAYE, Majority in person;
2. Mrs Aïssata TALL SALL, Presidential Majority;
3. Mr. Habib Sy, Opposition;
4. Mrs Gnagna TOURE, Opposition;
5. Mr. Pape DIOP, Non-aligned;
6. Mr Mohamed Massamba SEYE, Non-aligned;
– Under civil society (3):
1. Mr. Oumar DIOP;
2. Mr Alassane SECK ;
3. Mrs. Mame Yacine CAMARA ;
– Under the Private Sector (2):
1. Mr Bocar SY;
2. Mr. Mbagnick DIOP;
– Under the Trade Unions (2):
1. Mr Mademba SOCK ;
2. Mr Lamine FALL ;
– Under Consumers (2):
1. Mr. Momar NDAO;
2. Master Massokhna KANE;
Article 2.- This decree will be published in the Official Journal.
Done at Dakar, 22 April 2020
Macky SALL